Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heaven Was Quiet

So, it's 7:24 AM as I rise from my nights slumber. I quietly sneek down the stairs so as not to wake my two lovely children and I make my way to a comfy seat with good natural light to read my bible and spend some quality time with God.
First things first. I seek to quiet my thoughts and my heart so I can hear from God. I'm not too interested in saying a bunch of stuff to God. I mean I take time to praise and thank Him for all his good gifts to me. And of course I have some things I need to ask of Him, but I mostly just want to hear from Him. I want to know where I stand with Him today. I want to know what my purpose for this day will be. Most of all I just want to get a sense that He is right where He has promised me He would be. I want to know the weight of His presence. I want to sense His interest in me and my day. I want to know that he has not set me aside for today, that I will be used for His good purposes.
But do you know something? Heaven was mostly quiet this morning. It seems God did not have a lot to say to me. He chose to not overwhelm me with an emotional experience. He did not grace me with any new brilliant ideas. When I read His word He did not reveal to me any mind-blowing truth. So, was it a waste of time? Was God not interested in me? Did He not see me there ready to hear from Him? Should I now give up meeting with a God that didn't talk back? I don't think so. You see I know He was there. I know my prayers were heard, and I know that God Cares for me deeply. "But how do I know?", you might ask. Well because He told me so and in faith I believe Him. Simply that. I'm not about to lose heart or doubt my God even one bit, just because I didn't feel something I thought maybe I should feel. That my friends is pure silliness. Who am I to question God just because He chose to sit quietly with me instead of striking up a conversation. It actually makes me feel pretty good to know that the God of this Universe and beyond chose to just sit quietly with me this morning. So will I do it again. You know I will. Who knows what God might have in store for tomorrow.

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